RIP Jack...

To be honest, I cannot think of any time in my life that I've actually been affected/upset at the death of a politician. I think that speaks to Jack Layton's character, and that he was much more than a politician, which in my mind, had been a dirty word for nearly the last decade. I think it was that he came across very honestly, and more believeable than most in his field, and his convictions were strong. You sensed that he cared, even when he wasn't at work or there weren't media covering him.
Someone on the coverage today compared his 2011 campaign and fight with Cancer to another Canadian who we all celebrate every September: Terry Fox. He too made a courageous stand against the horrible disease, and Candians strive to uphold his wonderful example. I would venture that, maybe not today, but years from now, people will still be talking about Jack, and that he deserves a place amongst influential Canadian figures, who showed courage in the face of such a tough fight.
I don't want to speculate on the future of the NDP, but I have to echo Peter Mansbridge, who said that the NDP success this year really was because of Jack, and many voted for Jack, not necessarily the NDP. He was just such a likeable guy who seemed so sincere, and the positivity which he brought to the campaign this year made me so pleased, as opposed to the usual crap you have to deal with come election time.
My only Jack Layton story took place in the summer of 2008, I was working my first government contract in downtown Ottawa, and came in to work one morning, pushed the button for the elevator, waited, and when the doors popped open, who should walk out but Jack and a couple companions...he gave me a smile and kept on walking, but I remembered thinking at the time, how nice it was to get that smile, when I'm sure 99%of other people wouldn't have even noticed someone was there.
Of everything, I will miss your smile Jack, Rest in Peace, you will be missed.
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