Another Christmas come and gone, and with it, so too goes the year 2005, which was the first year I've worked an entire calendar year since graduation. Lemme tell ya, it sucks. But I could have it worse and REALLY hate my job. But I don't; for the most part I enjoy it, its just frustrating, but I think that comes with the territory for just about anything.
Christmas this year wasn't a particularly happy season, as Steph's family has been going through some hard times to put it mildly, so I knew coming into it she wouldn't be super into it; that and the fact that she works retail as well so the joy has been sapped from Christmas working at TOYS R US.
So I'll skip over Christmas, as it wasn't great for me either, my grandmother was here for it and that caused some serious friction, which I wasn't really involved in but had to 'enjoy'. Anyhow boo hoo we can't choose our family.
I like the year in review thing, so I'll try my hand at that, but not right away b/c I have to eat my lunch (you see I'm here at my desk at work right now with leftover Turkey etc. in front of me.) I'll get back to you in a while. If I don't...
have a good new year, and don't worry its an overrated time anyhow.
Christmas this year wasn't a particularly happy season, as Steph's family has been going through some hard times to put it mildly, so I knew coming into it she wouldn't be super into it; that and the fact that she works retail as well so the joy has been sapped from Christmas working at TOYS R US.
So I'll skip over Christmas, as it wasn't great for me either, my grandmother was here for it and that caused some serious friction, which I wasn't really involved in but had to 'enjoy'. Anyhow boo hoo we can't choose our family.
I like the year in review thing, so I'll try my hand at that, but not right away b/c I have to eat my lunch (you see I'm here at my desk at work right now with leftover Turkey etc. in front of me.) I'll get back to you in a while. If I don't...
have a good new year, and don't worry its an overrated time anyhow.
At 6:54 PM ,
Stephen Johns said...
I just got off the phone with Bri; when I dropped the "New Year's is the most overrated night of the year" line she insisted I was alone in that assessment. Thank you for proving her wrong, and for giving me ammo next time we talk.
At 1:54 AM ,
Brianna said...
Hey - I read this blog too! You think your conversations are all secretive ;)
Gavin: I look forward to your year in review, and to your nasty comments. If you have something mean to say, maybe you should say it to my face ... er, my blog.
Steve: I love New Years. People get dressed up, drink champagne, make out, and vow to be better the next day. What about that isn't to love?
Looking forward to getting hate mail from both of you now :D
At 7:43 AM ,
Gavin27 said...
Hate to let you know, but any 'holiday' with Dick Clark as its central figurehead just cannot be worthwhile.
And to make it all the more amazing, Ryan Seacrest will be the new Dick Clark when he's put out to pasture.
oh joy.
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