Excruciating Agony, thy name is Kidney Stone.
Well I have been meaning to add some new entries, about numerous topics, from the NFL Season, Sean Taylor, Green Bay, Hating the Patriots, Movies (No Country for Old Men is my movie of the year) Fred Claus is more cute family movie than usual VV laughfest but still quite funny, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (who woulda thunk it that Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer would make one of the best 'buddy movie' tandems in many many years? but they did) 3 Burials of Meliquades Estrada (Tommy Lee Jones never fails to be great, and I think the Western is making a comeback), and the season (we have a whole lot of snow for the 2nd week of December).
But I didn't, and here's why, I've been working with the contract running out of time, and then out of nowhere on Sunday night, I was slapped hard by the agony of Kidney Stones...
I pride myself on being able to deal with a lot of stress, pain, etc., as you can ask those who know me, but wow, THIS was P-A-I-N. I've never been in that amount before...
And it doesn't help when you end up in the ER 3 nights in a row and it isn't until the 3rd night that you get a competent English speaking doctor who explains what exactly is wrong and how exactly you're going to live through it.
Suffice it to say I was higher than Lindsay Lohan getting out of Rehab in time for her birthday.
and I've managed to stay at home for more than 14 hrs now!
I won't prattle on about boohoo it hurts, but fuCK me in the goat ass...That shit HURTS...the nurse even said women who've had stones and natural childbirth would take another childbirth minus meds before the stones...that is all you need to know.
Until next time, I'm alive and reminding you all to drink lots of water, and don't be a hero if you're in agony...that's what the joy of free pain meds in Canada is all about.
But I didn't, and here's why, I've been working with the contract running out of time, and then out of nowhere on Sunday night, I was slapped hard by the agony of Kidney Stones...
I pride myself on being able to deal with a lot of stress, pain, etc., as you can ask those who know me, but wow, THIS was P-A-I-N. I've never been in that amount before...
And it doesn't help when you end up in the ER 3 nights in a row and it isn't until the 3rd night that you get a competent English speaking doctor who explains what exactly is wrong and how exactly you're going to live through it.
Suffice it to say I was higher than Lindsay Lohan getting out of Rehab in time for her birthday.
and I've managed to stay at home for more than 14 hrs now!
I won't prattle on about boohoo it hurts, but fuCK me in the goat ass...That shit HURTS...the nurse even said women who've had stones and natural childbirth would take another childbirth minus meds before the stones...that is all you need to know.
Until next time, I'm alive and reminding you all to drink lots of water, and don't be a hero if you're in agony...that's what the joy of free pain meds in Canada is all about.
At 6:58 PM ,
Stephen Johns said...
Be well, dude! You're stronger than a measley kidney stone!
At 1:12 AM ,
Gavin27 said...
Yes indeed.
thank you, I am well in that I'm 2 nights removed from hospital...that is good. Lets keep it up.
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