Ramble On

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere"

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a music fan(atic). I'm the guy who can tell you who sang a song, what the song is, who was in the band, etc, etc. However, the joy of music, is that there's just so much of it, you're never done discovering it. Getting into music is really like pushing a snowball down a gigantic mountain, because it's just a little bit at the start, and as time goes on it just grows and grows and it amazes you what you've got from where you started.

Case in point: Talking Heads, the 80s New Wave band (I hate the term New Wave, but it seems apt here). I know them, I could name you a couple band members, some big songs and some albums. However, I definitely wouldn't say I was completely aware of their work. Last month, I was watching Bill Maher's Religulous, and a song came on over the closing credits, and I was just completely grabbed by it. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I went on IMDB, checked out, and found that the song was 'Road to Nowhere' by Talking Heads. It's been in my head ever since, so simple, yet so good at the same time. I love the song.

The great joy that I get from discovering this "new" (to me) song is exhilirating, like winning a prize, and it just reminds me why I love listening to music, and why I'll always be open to hearing new things.