Ramble On

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Red Bull Rampage!...well not so much actually...

Yesterday, after a few weeks of discussion and debate, I agreed to take part in a challenge/science experiment today at work. The premise, quite simple...drink a 4-pack of Red Bull in 5 minute intervals...and see what happens...Well after a little apprehension, but deciding in the pursuit of knowledge, and the amusement of my co-workers, I needed to go ahead and do it.

Well let me tell you...that was the most anticlimactic experience of my life.
I had so utterly expected myself to grow wings, as it says in the ads, or to at least be bouncing off the walls or talking at warp speed or eyeballs bursting...
other than the increased number of pee breaks after consuming 1Litre of redbull in 20 min, and a mild bout of the spits, I didn't notice much more than a little shakiness when handwriting directly after, and a mild headache.
I have to say I was so let down...fuck I even was still YAWNING!
maybe its me, maybe I am so addicted to caffeine or so used to it in my system that 4 red bulls just didn't have any effect on me more than the usual.
dissapointing to say the least.

oh and on a completely unrelated note, for you Steve, a guy was in the store and gave me props for wearing my Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt. I know you'd love to know that buddy. His daughter obviously had no idea what he was talking about so that was humourous.

Adios Amigos

Friday, August 25, 2006

Oliver Stone does...subdued?

On a friend of my mum's suggestion, she was told to see World Trade Center, and I decided sure why not, and went with her.
Glad I did.
Oliver Stone isn't usually known for doing a reigned-in, subtle, movie, but in this case, judging by the sensitivity of the material, he's gone and made a fantastic gripping movie, even though you have a pretty good idea what's going to happen. That must be the sign of a great director if they can make it entertaining when you know the outcome...
Given movies like JFK, Natural Born Killers and Platoon in his portfolio, I wasn't sure how he'd tackle something like this...but he's gone away from conspiracy theory and overblown epic, and instead focused on the people, and that is possibly the greatest strength of the film.
I don't think I need to do a long review of the film, but I'll just say its worth watching, especially as its coming up on 5 years since that day. Perhaps this will give us something else to take away from everything.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Killer to Break up the Monotony

Finally something entertaining here at the old storefront...this summer, and more specifically this week, has been BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRING.
Just as I was about ready to start sleeping with my eyes open a la Bob Cole, in walks the Killer himself, Doug Gilmour and his 2 sons.
After making sure it was him and not his brother or cousin (Kingston is full of Gilmours) I went up to see if I could help, and did so with shoes for him and his kids and wife. Not anything earth shattering, but if you see him walking around with a pair of white holey soles, thats me ;)
Also managed to avoid dumbass syndrome but not saying "hey aren't you...?" or any other lame remarks. Good stuff cause he probably gets that a lot.
He was probably in the store for only about 20 minutes but its the most excitement I've had in a while.
Anyhow, just thought I'd pass that on to you all, and ask for any other celebrity/sports folks run-in stories anyone has.
Steve nothing in the HHOF counts.

Monday, August 21, 2006

So Long, Farewell, I'm hanging up my cleats...until I get a better offer.

Although its not the first time its happened, and sadly, won't be the last either, the recent "retirement"/"unretirement" of One-Time Great Charger LB Junior Seau just pissed me off. I'm sure the sports columnists have been writing all about this one, but I just have to get it off my chest too. Why bother 'retiring' if you're just going to come back again? Mind you, I can't seemingly recall another instance where the player's retirement lasted all of ... 18hrs or something. The San Diego Chargers, the team that brought Seau into the league and provided him the stage with which to become a dominant player in his day, went to the trouble of holding a retirement ceremony for him, and he thanks them for all the great times by signing with New England what...2 days later? Gee thanks, I really believe all the sincere things you said at your going away party...jackass. Sorry you're not good enough for the Dolphins, and ended the last 2 years on the injured reserve...perhaps diminishing returns should be a sign to hang them up...and it looked like he did get that...or maybe not.

Over the course of the last 2 FULL NFL seasons: Seau played a total of 15 games, and his stats over that period were barely equal to what he put up in his first year with the Fins, and even that wasn't that good. 13 years with the Chargers was a nice career, could have gone out with some class and retired with the same team. Instead ok I can understand the need to continue if you think you're still good enough, and if another team is willing to play you.

Hell I can even understand leaving for a year or something and coming back...not that I agree with it at all, but I understand it. Jordan had a good reason to retire, what with the sad death of his father and all, so I didn't totally begrudge him leaving too early and coming back. In addition, when he came back he also tore shit up and was still #1. So that was somewhat acceptable. The second comeback seemed more for business reasons to sell tickets for the team he invested in, but the first one was allowable.

Mario, when he left figured he wouldn't be alive much more or even able to play again, instead he came back and was once again a force to be reckoned with. Same sorta thing as Jordan, leaves very early as a top or THE top player in his game, returns later and still has it. The second comeback wasn't as great but that was age catching up with him.

I'm sure I could think of more, but when you think of all the greats of all time, who do you remember more? The Jerry Rices in Oakland and Seattle, or the Elways who retired at the peak as a one team man? Who remembers Babe Ruth with the Boston Braves? exactly. But people remember Gehrig and Williams, all with the same team.
Maybe not the same thing, but my point is thus...unless unforseen circumstances force you to leave at a young age when YOU ARE STILL ONE OF THE BEST IN THE GAME...then you really have no business UN-retiring. In addition, sometimes the last 2-5 years if you bounce between other teams at 1/2 skill or diminished returns, then maybe your first team was right to cut you. Why tarnish your image, is the money really that good? Will it buy you forgiveness? Do you think that it should? (no I don't as a fan forgive those who hang on too long and become sad. Even people who are diminishing but manage to find a new role, they are still respectable, the old veteran who sticks around to train his replacement but still contributes...good story.

Anyhow i ramble now, and though thats the name of my game, its time to end this one.

See you on the gridiron.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm Back

After the overwhelming (ie. Paul, Gulley, and Jared) response, I have decided there is enough readership to continue in this pursuit. Happily I might add, cause I'd have been irked if I heard nothing. That and I have something to write about.

Rahul's Wedding!
Most of the readership were either there, or telephoning from overseas multiple times (good on ya Hatcher), but nonetheless, a brief summation of events.
Friday night, we arrived in Girard about 11-1115...found the Holiday Inn by midnight due to the directions saying turn right after the offramp, not left so we went all over in the pitch black until the Shell station guy (behind bulletproof glass no less) told us it was on the other side of the highway....sheepish oops here.
Got in to check in to be greeted by loud shouts from Tyler and Connor, both of whom I hadn't seen in nearly 3 years, so twas good to see them, drunk as they were, returning a golf bag (as Connor said, like good Canadian boys). Also managed to find the party and see Rahul for the first time since Grad and give him the big congrats about 8 hrs before the event. better late than never...Steveo managed to be quite the drinker this time, and thanks to Connor for the Budweiser gift I hadn't been expecting. I apologize for not sticking around to party more, but I had been on the road for over 12 hrs at that point...who the fuck does road construction at night anyhow? (Ohio and Pennsylvania I scoff in your general direction..) and did anyone else think that Highway 11 in Ohio was the most desolate place on earth at night?? I had visions of a horror movie ending...

That concludes Friday...stay tuned for the brief rendition of the rest of the events of the Rahul weekend....