Ramble On

Friday, February 29, 2008

2 Movies to avoid like the plague

Usually I reserve my movie reviews for things I think are worth watching or would be stupid to miss...well after a few of the movies I've seen recently, I'm going to divert from that and tell you what movies to avoid...

1) Licence to Wed: Robin Williams is funny. But even if you gave Jesus Christ material like that to work with, he'd be hardpressed to squeeze laughs out. Mandy Moore does her best to annoy the crap out of me, that guy from the Office John Krakinski? (spelling?) is ok but such a limp noodle of a character the only reason you have any interest is so that Mandy Moore's character gets told off. The 2 go to marriage counselling from Reverand Robin...funny premise but other than a few one liners by Williams and a scene with training babies, there's no reason here to watch. I want 85 minutes of my life back...I think that was karma for killing insects when little....

2)Good Luck Chuck:Dane Cook is also Funny. This movie is not. Every woman he sleeps with breaks up with him and gets married to dream man. He meets Jessica Alba (not the hottest Jessica at all. Biel by a mile, then Simpson in Dukes of Hazzard when her mouth is shut) and wants her but has to not sleep with her...hahaha. some funny slapstick stuff, but then when he starts acting like an idiot we're supposed to forget how together and with it he was to get all these girls in the first place? lame lame lame lame, and the ending is even lamer.

This once again reinforces why I watch Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, and anything featuring Seth Rogen or anyone in that crew. YOU ACTUALLY LAUGH. If you don't like them fair enough, but for me, I like them and laugh, so I know the formula usually works. I can see Billy Madison and still laugh, so I will watch it and avoid more crap like this written by monkeys. All the more reason to see something funny.
Steve I must agree with you Juno was at least funny, and 100 million times better than either of these 2 movies. I usually like comedies and most of you who know me know I will watch anything almost, so that must tell you how bad this shit was.
Please do yourself a favour and avoid developmental difficulties which will result if you watch these movies...your future children will thank you when they don't drool and wear helmets.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Jane Fonda's Cunt...

OK so I have to weigh in here...Valentine's Day, Jane Fonda (70 - and great shape for it) is on the Today show with good old Meredith from the View/Millionare. Discussing the Vagina Monologues with the playwright, on the "V-Day" special...starts discussing the play and the DREADED C-u-n-t word comes out...SO WHAT???
If a 70 year old woman can say the word and not faint from the shock and horror...then what the fuck is the problem with the rest of the viewership of the show. If they are talking about the Vagina Monologues, don't you feel that the those who would be offended by that would have turned the channel? and then don't you feel those who would be offended by the play would also be the same who were offended by the word cunt? So therefore those who were watching would have some interest in the play, and would hopefully be open-minded about language, especially synonyms for the title part....its not like she called someone a Fucking Dumb Cunt or something. She was talking in context of the play. Is Censorship that powerful that they're falling over themselves to apologize for having offended people? Good god, get a grip. If the housewives/husbands/old ladies of North America who watch Today are sooo offended then maybe they deserve to have George Bush censoring their lives and "protecting them" from the evil empire and such horrible words.
For goodness sake's Jane Fonda is 70 SEVENTY!!! thats grandmother and then some age, so seriously if she's not offended then I just don't get it.
The best part is in the on air apology from Meredith..."Jane Fonda said a word we don't say on television" Like television is some bastion of righteousness and wholesomeness and good moral Values? Today is on NBC, The same network that airs Entertainment Tonight, that harped all over the Heath Ledger death and took away that dignity. So how dare they talk about the moralness of TV when they show shit like that. That's only one example yes, but for goodness sake's, TV is NOT somewhere to go for values and morals, even PBS has swearing. The violence and drug use and objectification of women as sex objects seems to raise no concern, but a 4 letter synonym for female anatomy seems to shock the bejeezus out of everyone...I think there's a problem here...Kinda like the whole Nipplegate scandal with Janet Jackson. I think there was more notice because they went out of the way to point it out afterwards, and that certainly wasn't a huge deal either.
At the end of the day TV is around and people can decide what to watch and what not to watch. If you're offended turn it off or elsewhere.
If you want morals and proper language, go to Bible Camp. And even they play with flutes at Bible Camp...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Zach Thomas released...how long until the Pats try to sign him?

My title says it all...a decade plus veteran leader of the Dolphins is released, and now how long do you figure before the Patriots try to sign him? Secondly, would he sign with them? Would he do it to get back at the Fins, or Try to win a Bowl or to play? or would his hatred of them preclude this from happening? I suppose not since Junior Seau went the same route...who knows.

On a secondary note, happy hallmark established flower/chocolate,dinner/wine day to all of you.
and if you're without one to share it with, just think of the money you'll save!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

18-1....need I say another word?

nah, I'll just enjoy my new favourite statistic in all of sports....
I might wax poetic on this later...
until then....ahhhhhhh (insert shit eating grin here)