Ramble On

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Apropos of nothing, it's absolutely gorgeous outside here in Ottawa today, 23+ degrees, warmest place in Canada, and continuing to shatter record highs for March. Of course Saturday will be cold with mixed snow/rain precipitation.

Update: 3 hrs later, 4:30 it's 25 Celcius with Humidex of 29...I love it.


Friday, March 02, 2012

February Listening

Nothing particularly noteworthy to write about, so instead, here's what I listened to this past month:

1) The Fabled City - The Nightwatchman

2) World Wide Rebel Songs - The Nightwatchman

3) Road Apples - The Tragically Hip

4) Up to Here - The Tragically Hip

5) Greatest Hits Vol. 1 - 20 Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys
