Ramble On

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's the Biggest Joke in the world right now?

Ok so this is an "interactive" post...well at least a reader-assisted one...

There are 3 options in my own humble opinion as to what the biggest joke in the world is now...
I will offer all 3 and then ask you to decide which, and I will write a longer entry on one of them...just can't decide myself:

(A) Lindsay Lohan's Sobriety/Rehab
(B) The Tour de France's Legitimacy
(C) Barry Bonds' Legitimacy in the Home Run/Steroids issue

let me know which one, since all 3 I think are jokes...
I'll write about the winner...

PS. J-Rock I know you'll get pissed about me knocking the TDF but sorry...its a joke now until they allow the drugs
Steve-did you know that Barry Bonds called Bob Costas a "Midget who knows nothing about baseball?)

Cheers and happy day before my birthday to me!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Random musings

so here's some random musings I have to share...enjoy!

1) why is Hydro Ottawa's headquarters in Toronto?
2) who still buys leaded gas? (when people ask the gas attendant to fill it with unleaded)
3) Has anyone else ever listened to a song on the radio, switched to a different station in the same city, and got the same song just starting? kinda eerie.
4) why do I still have T-Shirts from High school, and why do I still wear them?
5) is anyone going to read this?
6) who wants to party Friday night?
7) Does Michael Moore have a personal stylist?
8) when did it become necessary (no not neccessary since its not..but accepted) to have a personal stylist?
9) Dr. Kevin Rodrigues? no.
10) Kingsley R. Snelgrove III esq. is a funny funny name, and also coincidentally the name of Sage's father-in-law to be.

"If Benjamin were an ice cream flavour, he'd be pralines and dick"
what movie, who said it? Bonus points if you know, and I'll give you a prize!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

And now, Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy...
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."

That's the kind of humour we need more of. greatness.
Now for some more Random Thoughts...

1) It rains a buttload in Ottawa...apparently only since I've moved here...
2) I have a friend who has NEVER heard Alive by Pearl Jam, until it came on the radio last night in my car...I almost drove off the road. Like HOW is that possible????
3) Speaking of the Radio, props to The 106 frequencies here in Ottawa (Chez 106.1 & 106.9 The Bear) soo much better than K-Rock...and its very embarassing that I hear the Hip on the radio here far more often than you did on the Krock...hometown heroes my ass, if they were you'd play them more.
4) Off to see 'Sicko' tonight, Steve's reccomendation and another helped, but I was gonna go anyhow, and having an attractive young lady to go with didn't sway me at all.
5) Karaoke Bars suck balls unless you're hammered
6) Lots of Butch lesbians like Karaoke, especially Melissa Ethridge and Country songs. thank god some of them are good singers.
7) Bash for the 27th may be in the works here in O-town...
8) I'm loving 'Dry the Rain' by the Beta Band for about the last month straight.
9) Saw George Clinton and Los Lobos @ Bluesfest, very cool, but missed every other act the whole time lame I know...
10) There is no 10.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Home Sweet Brand Spankin New Home

well wow,

here it is, after all this time and talking I'm actually out on my own...so far so good
I think I'm still exhausted from the moving process..but it was nice to wake up in your own place for sure.
Thanks to 'The Denis' for all his moving help, I owe you one.
J-Rock thanks for the message, just missed me ;)
Daws and Bry thanks for the chat/email.
Rest of you, thanks for whatever you've done for me i'm sure its something

my new # is (613) 726-2090
if you need a crash pad in Ottawa or are just passing thru and want a pint...I'm sure I'll see at least some of you!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Canada Day Hosers

Inspired by the 140th B-Day of our flawed but still great nation, I've decided to ask my loyal readership (ie 5 people if that) to offer their thoughts on what is Canada...or if you think thats too much work, I'll just post some Canadiana pictures and tell me which ones speak to you!

Enjoy a frosty bottle or mug of some good barley or hops and some BBQ and let me know.
